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Sectoral Logistics Solutions

We know, your business is special. Discover here our solutions that meet the logistics and transportation needs of your industry.

Integrated Logistics Solutions

We do not confuse you with dozens of services. We gather all your logistics and transportation needs under a single solution.


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Our First Employee with Autism Started Work in April

Antalya, Muğla ve İzmir depolarımızda 4.7 megawatt kapasiteli güneş enerjisi sistemlerimiz devrede

According to İŞKUR records, only 82 individuals with autism are in employment in Turkey. Considering that 1 out of every 36 people has autism, it is seen how low the employment rate of individuals with autism is. In order to draw attention to these data and to bring individuals with autism into business life, we collaborated with Tohum Autism Foundation and implemented the Job Coach Supported Work Model.

Our business coach started his duty after 3 months of training at Tohum Autism Foundation and immediately afterwards, we hired our first employee with autism.

With the Job Coach Supported Employment Model, we both facilitated the orientation process of our employees and developed training programmes that support their needs in their private lives.

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